Reviews From Schools in Sparks Glencoe

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
December 03, 2023
My daughter went to OS for 2 years until the end of last year when they ‘closed’. What we have found since she left is that the academics were subpar. My daughter was a straight A honors and AP ... More
Review for Oldfields School
Parent / Guardian
July 07, 2023
Oldfields School announced its permanent closing on 04/19/23. The quality of the school has gone downhill since we first attended in 2021. Academics are mediocre at best. We struggled every year to... More
Review for Oldfields School
Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
July 04, 2023
School is fine but closing. Alumni are nasty and aggressive. Would not want to be associated with some of these people. There are newer, better and nicer schools where I would put my money.
Review for Oldfields School
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