
Video Series

13 "Building character" videos

Kids fight. Hurt feelings linger. What's a parent to do?

Teach forgiveness. (It really works!)

One thing happy kids have in common

Grateful kids are happier kids. And encouraging this attitude in your child is as easy as pie.

Fueling your little curiosity machine

Here's how nurturing your child's curiosity helps them become a better learner.

Kids with character: Grit

“Grit is having the courage to do your impossible or to do what you think is hard and to do it anyway,” says Nasina, who has incredible grit. Her story will awe and inspire you.

Kids with character: Generosity

Generosity boosts happiness, has a ripple effect, and can be taught. See how this family’s $100 giving challenge resulted in something extraordinary.

Pop quiz on the science of generosity

Research reveals some surprisingly easy ways to teach your child to be generous.

Kids with character: Gratitude

Research shows that gratitude increases resilience, happiness, and optimism. This 6th grader finds reasons to feel grateful every day.

Kids with character: Honesty

What would you do if you found a wallet on the ground? When this child did, he went to great lengths to get it back to its owner. He shares his thoughts about the importance of honesty with GreatSchools.

3 ways to raise a kid who won't quit

Find out what the research says about teaching your child to work hard, finish what they start, and achieve their goals.

How Angela Duckworth teaches her kids grit

The famed researcher and author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance explains her "hard things rule," which she's using as a parent to instill stick-to-itiveness in her kids.

How to choose the right chore for your child

America's Supernanny says it's not a question of whether or not your child should do chores — it's a question of assigning chores based on your child's personality and work habits.

3 surprising tips for raising honest kids

Want your child to tell the truth? Here's what research shows really works — and a common mistake that actually encourages lying.