Reviews From Schools in Stevenson

Does your child attend a school in this city?
Parent / Guardian
June 10, 2021
My daughter graduated from St. Timothy’s and loved every minute of it. The IB program was challenging, and she has learning differences. The school was so supportive to her. The small class sizes,... More
Review for St. Timothys School
Parent / Guardian
July 20, 2015
My daughter is a sensitive young woman, and I was at first concerned about how she would do at a boarding school, away from home. My husband and I could not be more pleased! She grew leaps and... More
Review for St. Timothys School
Parent / Guardian
July 03, 2015
As a past St. Timothy's parent I can definitely claim that the school has several drawbacks. Our daughter endured blatant favoritism by teachers and coaches while a student at St. Timothy's. In... More
Review for St. Timothys School
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