
All parents want a great education for their children. Sometimes, though, it’s hard for parents to know exactly what that means. The Common Core State Standards and other college- and career-ready standards are an invaluable aid in this regard because they set clear benchmarks for success. When parents understand the standards, they can better understand whether their kids are on track to graduate from high school prepared for college or career.

To help make the standards more concrete and compelling to parents, we developed the Milestones video program (in partnership with Student Achievement Partners) that shows parents what children should be able to demonstrate, by the end of the year, in order to achieve grade-level standards in critical skills like reading, writing, and math.

On the Milestones website, each video is accompanied by relevant articles, videos, activities, and worksheets that parents can use to help their children catch up and speed up. Our tests with more than 500 parents suggest that the Milestone videos are a powerful way to boost parents’ understanding so they may support their children in meeting grade-level standards.