Although test results are only one measure of student achievement, they have become increasingly important in assessing student learning. Michigan’s tests are standards-based tests that measure how well students are meeting the state’s grade-level expectations. In 2009-2010 Michigan used the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) to test students in grades 3 through 8 in reading, writing and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 were also tested in science, and students in grades 6 and 9 were tested in social studies. The MEAP is administered in the fall.

Michigan also administered the Michigan Merit Examination (MME), which combines a state standards-based assessment with the ACT college entrance exam and WorkKeys assessment. The MME is administered in the spring to grade 11 students and tests math, science, social studies, reading and writing. The ACT tests English, math, reading, science and writing. The ACT WorkKeys assesses students’ preparation for employment by testing reading for information and applied mathematics.

Michigan uses student scores on the MEAP and MME, along with a school’s self-rating on performance indicators, to assign Education YES! Grades to schools.

How are the tests scored?

MEAP and MME results report the level of proficiency a student demonstrates in each of the subject areas tested. Students are rated at one of the following four levels: advanced (level 1), proficient (level 2), partially proficient (level 3) and not proficient (level 4). The goal is for all students to score at or above the proficient level.

The ACT results are reported as mean scale scores which range from a low of 1 to a high of 36 for all subjects except writing, which ranges from 2 to 12. The Composite score is an average of the English, math, reading and science scores.

Which results are included on GreatSchools profiles?

For each subject on the MEAP and MME, the combined percentage of students scoring at or above the proficient level is displayed. MEAP and MME results are displayed for all public and private schools for which the Michigan Department of Education released data. Unlike public schools, private schools are not required to give the MEAP or the MME, but some do on a voluntary basis. State averages displayed on private school profiles for the MEAP include private schools only. State MME averages displayed on private school profiles include both public and private schools. Private school results are not included in GreatSchools Ratings.

ACT composite scores and each subject score are also displayed for all public and private schools for which the Michigan Department of Education released data.

Why do the tests matter?

Although Michigan does not require schools to use test results to determine whether a student is promoted from one grade to another or graduates from high school, the tests do have consequences. High scores on the MME tests can qualify a student for a Michigan Merit Award, which provides scholarship money for postsecondary education. Though the state does not mandate it, some local districts do use the MME as a graduation requirement. ACT scores can be used to gain entrance to colleges and receive college scholarships. MEAP scores are important for schools because they help determine whether a school will receive financial rewards or penalties from the state.

It is important to be aware of both your child’s score on the assessments and the overall score for his school. If your child scores below the standards, contact his teacher to discuss getting additional assistance, and to find out how you can support your child’s learning at home.

If the school’s overall scores are low, ask what steps the school is taking to raise achievement levels for all students, and what you can do to help. If your child is in a failing school, ask what your options are for transferring and obtaining supplemental services.

Test results don’t tell you everything about the quality of a particular school, although they can be an indicator of what’s happening in the classroom. Always look at more than one measure when judging school performance and visit in person before making any final assessment.

Michigan Education YES! Grades

Michigan uses the Education YES! Grades to measure school performance. Education YES! Grades are based on achievement status, achievement change, and schools’ self-ratings on Indicators of School Performance. Achievement status is based on up to three years of test results. MEAP English language arts and math results are used for elementary schools; MEAP English language arts, math, science and social studies results are used for middle schools; and MME English language arts, math, science and social studies results are used for high schools. The achievement change measure uses up to five years of test scores to determine whether or not schools are making academic progress over time. The Indicators of School Performance measure key school characteristics that have the most affect on student achievement.

These three components are combined into a composite grade of A, B, C, D-Alert or Unaccredited. A school’s grade may be lowered if the school did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

Why do Education YES! Grades matter?

A designation of D-Alert or Unaccredited suggests that the overall student population at the school is not meeting the state’s expectations. Schools designated as Unaccredited face state-mandated and federal consequences; they must, among other things, develop and implement a school improvement plan.

What if my child attends a low-performing school?

If your child attends a low-performing school, ask what steps the school is taking to raise achievement levels for all students and what you can do to help. Because low-performing schools are likely to face consequences under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, your child may be eligible to receive federal and/or state money for tutoring or to transfer to another school.

Why do some schools not have Education YES! Grades?

If a school is new or has a small number of students with valid MEAP or MME scores, the state does not calculate a grade for that school. If your school’s grade is not listed on GreatSchools, contact your principal to find out more. Search for Michigan Schools.