High School Milestones

Help us spread the word about High School Milestones Videos! Below are links to information and tools you can use to share this helpful, free new video collection with families and educators in your community. To see the whole K-12 Milestones video collection, visit GreatSchools.org/Milestones. Click here to access outreach materials for the GreatKids K-5 Milestones Video collection.

Toolkit Links

Materials in English

High School Milestones outreach email to parents_Word Document format

High School Milestones outreach email to parents, HTML code

HS_Milestones_Partner_Parent_Outreach Email

High School Milestones Outreach email to educators_Word Document format

High School Milestones outreach email to educators, HTML code

HS_Milestones_Partner_Educator_Outreach Email

Materials in Spanish

High School Milestones Spanish outreach email to parents, Word Document format

High School Milestones Spanish outreach email to parents, HTML code

High School Milestones Spanish outreach email to parents

High School Milestones Spanish outreach email to educators, Word Document format

HIgh School Milestones Spanish outreach email to educators, HTML Code

High School Milestones Spanish outreach email to educators

Press Release

High School Milestones Press Release

Marketing images of High School Milestones Videos (stills)

High School Milestones Video Images (word doc)

High School Milestones Video Stills (pdf)

Social Media Assets


Share our posts 

Help spread the word about High School Milestones Videos on Facebook!  Use the ‘Share’ option on any article tagged with #Milestones on our Facebook page, found at https://www.facebook.com/greatschools

Or, visit the High School Milestones page and look for the Facebook sharing button on the left side.

Write your own posts 

Alternatively, you can create your own Facebook post. If you do, we’d appreciate you using this link: http://bit.ly/1QcPJrh

Here are two example posts:

When using that link, you may want to upload an image:

Facebook image

Facebook post image


Share our content 

If you’d like to tweet about GreatKids High School Milestones Videos, you can use the Twitter sharing button on the left side of any page on the High School Milestones page.

Send a pre-written tweet

To send a pre-written tweet (that can be edited before sending):

– Log in to Twitter.com in this browser

– Click here to load a tweet (Ctrl-click to open in a new tab)

– The tweet should look like this – you can edit it before sending:

Sample tweet for High School Milestones

– Click here to load another tweet (Ctrl-click to open in a new tab)

– The tweet should look like this – you can edit it before sending:

Second sample tweet for High School Milestones

Write your own tweets 

Alternatively, feel free to write your own tweets linking to GreatKids High School Milestones Videos. If you do, we’d appreciate you using the hashtag #Milestones and also this link: http://bit.ly/1VMzODT

Optionally, you can also tag @GreatSchools (so we can say hello!). If you’d like to add an image to the tweet, here is one you can use:

Twitter image


Share our pins

If you’d like to share GreatKids High School Milestones content on Pinterest, feel free to use Pinterest’s ‘Repin’ option on our High School Milestones pin.

Or, visit the High School Milestones Videos collection and look for the Pinterest sharing button on the left side.

Create your own pins

Alternatively, you can create your own pin on Pinterest. If you do, we’d appreciate you using this link: 


When using that link, you may want to upload an image to go with it.  Here are a couple to choose from:

Pinterest image

Pinterest image