How parents can help tweens with friend issues
Most tweens crave and need peer relationships that help them feel understood and accepted. Here’s how parents can help when inevitable friend drama and peer issues arise.
How emotions affect your child's education
Science is revealing how children's feelings help and harm learning. Here's how adults can support kids so they feel, and learn, better.
7 ways schools can help teens suffering with mental health issues
Record-high numbers of U.S. high schoolers struggle with depression, anxiety, and suicide. Here’s how schools can help.
Your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader and anger
When your child has trouble handling big feelings, here’s how parents can help them feel better now — and in the long run.
Your teen and anger
When teens get angry, here are steps parents can follow to help teens (and the whole family) feel better now — and in the long run.
Your middle schooler and anger
7 surprising ways to help your angry tween.
Your 1st or 2nd grader and anger
When young kids have big feelings, here are 8 ways parents can help them feel better now and in the long run.
Your kindergartner and anger
When little kids have big feelings, here are 4 steps parents can take to help them feel better now and in the long run.
How to react when your child says, “I hate you!”
It's rarely what a child of any age really means. But it stings. Here, four parenting experts offer advice for responding to a hurtful outburst from your adolescent.
Empathy's poster child
Touched by an image of child slaves, a little girl pledges to do something about it — and turns her family upside down.
Teaching manners and empathy to preschoolers
Sometimes, sorry, please, and thank you seem like the hardest words for your little one to utter. But the real goal, according to experts, is your child's empathy and kindness.
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