
Video Series

29 "Smart strategies" videos

School lunch secret? Put an egg in it!

5 fun ways to add healthy protein into your child's school lunch.

5 ways to make lunch more fun

No more half-eaten lunches!
These quick tricks make school lunch something to smile about.

How do kids learn best?

There's a common misconception that kids learn best by discovering things on their own, but hear what learning expert Annie Murphy Paul says really works.

Could your child study smarter?

The most effective study technique might not be what you expected.

How to help your child ease test anxiety

Expert Annie Murphy Paul shares two techniques where kids put pen to paper and scribble their worries away.

Testing makes our brains work better

Exams and quizzes aren't bad and shouldn't be feared! Expert Annie Murphy Paul explains how testing helps people learn.

Helping your child develop coping skills

The best way to help your child face the future — and all the challenges ahead? Give kids real opportunities to build their coping skills, says psychologist Madeline Levine.

Po Bronson: Teaching kids when to be competitive

Studies of kids around the world show a remarkable pattern in how girls and boys respond to competition in school. Where girls succeed, boys often don't. Here's how parents can help their boys.

Po Bronson: Kids need more than one motivation

Kids are more likely to stick with it and accomplish great things when they have multiple reasons to push themselves, says author Po Bronson.

Carol Dweck: It's critical that kids do difficult work

All parents like to see their kids succeed, but it's even more important to make sure they're challenged, says Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck.

Carol Dweck: How to encourage an easily frustrated child

Some children are more easily frustrated than others when the going gets tough. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck explains how you can help.

Carol Dweck: Telling kids they're smart can backfire

"We've almost been brainwashed to say, 'You're so smart,'" says Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. The problem? This kind of praise can hold kids back.