
92 "Dilemmas" videos

America's Supernanny: my top tip for a happier home

Deborah Tillman says that in so many of the homes she visits throughout the country, parents overlook doing this one simple thing that will help avoid a world of conflict.

Richard Weissbourd on "You're not the boss of me!"

The Parents We Mean to Be author and Harvard psychologist Richard Weissbourd advises parents to use this comment as a moment to step back and reconsider what's gone amiss.

"But all the other kids get to do it!"

Should you give in or stand firm when your child makes this claim? A surprising response from Harvard's child and family psychologist Richard Weissbourd.

NBC's Michele Borba and former NBA pro Adonal Foyle's winning advice on helping your child do it all

At our #emotionalsmarts Google+ Hangout called Letting Kids Fail, these experts each offered advice that all parents can take to heart and try at home.

The 30-year parenting plan

Want your child to do well in life? Then step way back, says Madeline Levine, author of "Teach Your Children Well," and learn how to take the long view on parenting.

America's Supernanny Deborah Tillman's favorite parenting tip

America's Supernanny talks about what parents must always do — no matter what.

The power of positive words

When your child doesn't live up to your expectations, TV's America's Supernanny Deborah Tillman says there's a way to lift them up to be their best selves.

Are we too worried about our kids' happiness?

This generation of parents is focused on raising happy kids. But, says Harvard psychologist Richard Weissbourd, this may be doing them far more harm than good.

Is your child a worrier or a warrior?

It's in your child's genes, says bestselling author Po Bronson. Learn more about the COMT gene and your child's biological response to stress.

Sadie's story: the tale of a bipolar child

Sadie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 5. In this video she describes what it feels like.

John Duffy: When your child says, "I hate you!"

“Usually when a child says this … they mean something different," says psychologist John Duffy, author of The Available Parent. Here's how to read between the lines.

Erica Reischer on what to say when your child says, "I'm bored!"

Parent coach and clinical psychologist Erica Reischer says parents shouldn't try to fix bad feelings. Do this instead, she advises, and the payoff will be huge.