
92 "Dilemmas" videos

Madeline Levine on "I hate homework!"

When it comes to homework troubles, the famed psychologist and The Price of Privilege author cautions parents against coming to your child's rescue.

Bruce Feiler on how not to nag

"How many times do I have to tell you to do that?" We all find ourselves nagging, but there's a way to stop, says happy family expert Bruce Feiler.

Bruce Feiler on respectful kids

The kids are snipping at each other and giving you back talk. Is this any way to have a happy family? Bruce Feiler on how to foster respect among family members.

Bruce Feiler on great family meetings

Bruce Feiler talks about how to have a successful family meeting.

Bruce Feiler on kids doing chores

Bruce Feiler's children didn't want to do chores - then the parents and kids devised a way to transform the work into something "awesome".

John Duffy on school refusal

Beyond "I don't want to go to school," there's a whole other level of dread. It's called school refusal, and we're only just beginning to understand it.

Richard Weissbourd on not "losing it"

They are master button pushers, those children of ours. So what should you do when you feel like you're going to lose your temper with your child?

Educating Nathan: the story of a profoundly gifted child

One mother’s epic quest to find the right school for her profoundly gifted son.