Sh*tty Mom on “I don’t want to go to school!”

Let's face it, says Sh*tty Mom co-author Mary Ann Zoellner, school exists to get kids out of the house. Here's her tough-love, no-truancy approach to make sure they go.
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Here’s how 4 other parenting experts say to respond…


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Christine Carter
Raising Happiness author Christine Carter says the secret isn’t to elevate the drama. For better results, do this instead. Format: Video (1:18)

Deborah Tillman
The star of America’s Supernanny tells parents that unless it’s a special case, they need to use a tough-love approach when kids voice this complaint. Format: Article

Alfie Kohn
The author of The Schools Our Children Deserve says that giving a pat response to make children feel better or force them to go isn’t the answer. There’s a much better way. Format: Article

Jane Healy
If parents hear this repeatedly, the bestselling author of Your Child’s Growing Mind says they need to spring into action and do these two things. Format: Article

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