While preschoolers aren’t expected to write at this young age, so many fun activities and games can be played that build what are called “pre-writing skills“. Learning to grip a crayon, for example, is a pre-writing skill. So is coloring and tracing lines. So, too, are the stories your child tells you about what they see and draw on the page. When your child tells you what they see, write it down. Ask your child to name the colors they’re using. Whether you use these preschool worksheets as a jumping off point for scribbling or storytelling, you’re giving your child valuable pre-writing and literacy-building preschool writing practice.

5 preschool writing worksheets

Practicing wavy lines

Skill: Tracing


In this early writing worksheet, your child completes the picture by tracing wavy lines — and then has fun coloring it all in!


Practicing straight lines

Skill: Writing letters


In this early writing worksheet, kids connect the dots to draw vertical lines, which will help when your children begin trying to write the alphabet.


Watch it go!

Skill: Drawing


In this early writing worksheet, your child will trace the butterfly, ball, and others’ curvy paths across the page.


Practicing circles

Skill: Coloring


In this early writing worksheet, your child will follow the counterclockwise connect-the-dots pattern to complete each bubble. Familiarity with this motion helps when children begin trying to write letters of the alphabet.


Writing the alphabet

Skill: Learning the alphabet


The alphabet! In this early writing worksheet, your child practices writing every letter.

Read more about beginning writing skills, early reading skills, and check out our lists of great books for preschoolers.