Looking for more book lists and reading resources? Check with your child’s school and local library to see what they offer and use the following Web sites for more ideas:

Kids’ Top Picks
The Children’s Book Council and International Reading Association co-sponsor the Children’s Choices list — the best chapter books, picture books and graphic novels, all chosen by young readers.

Summer Reading Fun From America Reads
America Reads, a grassroots literacy organization, offers reading activities for parents and children to do together, a children’s pledge that promises they will read 30 minutes a day all summer and parent resources (also in Spanish) to help with learning at home.

Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers
On this site, you’ll find tips to help young readers, as well as interviews with authors and extensive reading lists.

Helping Your Child Become a Reader
This online guide from the U.S. Department of Education gives parents tips to incorporate reading into daily life, find age-appropriate books for their child and improve their child’s reading and writing skills.

Reading Lists From RIF and ALA
Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) and the American Library Association (ALA) provide grade-level reading lists for kindergartners through 12th graders. Also, click here to check out RIF’s complete summer reading program.

International Reading Association’s Choices Lists
Each year the International Reading Association compiles three “Choices” book lists: one selected by children, one by teachers and one by young adults.

Boston Public Library Kids’ Page
This page lists books by subject, magazines to read online and Web resources for book lovers.

Boston Public Library Teen Lounge
This site connects teens to online tutoring programs, book lists, a section called “What Other Teens Are Reading” and practice tests for the state’s standardized exams. Even if you don’t live in Boston, this site will give you great ideas for summer reading.

Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site
Carol Hurst’s site offers comprehensive reading lists by grade with links to book reviews. Hurst is a nationally known storyteller, lecturer, author and language arts consultant. Her site also offers curriculum ideas, information about authors and newsletters.

Education World and Barnes and Nobles’ Summer Reading List
The Web resource for teachers and the book publisher join forces to create grade-level reading lists and suggested activities.