Even young kids can — and should — help with housework, experts say. Here are age-appropriate tasks your child can do, plus advice for making clean up time less of a chore.

5 great chores for preschoolers
This is a great age for kids to start pitching by doing a little fun, age-appropriate housework. Here’s what your preschooler can handle.

7 great chores for kindergartners
With busy schedules, many parents opt to “just do it themselves,” but now is the perfect time to teach your kindergartner how to pitch in.

8 great chores for elementary schoolers
Teaching kids how to do chores takes patience, but it’s a great way to teach your child responsibility. Here are eight great age-appropriate chores your child can handle.

10 great age-appropriate chores for tweens
Chores teach kids responsibility and the value of pitching in as part of a family — but they also lead to confidence that can help them combat peer pressure.

10 great chores for teens
Is your teen doing these chores at home? Experts say making teens responsible for household tasks teaches them important life skills.