
35 "Find a school skills" videos

Understanding GreatSchools Ratings

Our school profiles now include important information in addition to test scores. Here's a look at what goes into your school's GreatSchools Summary Rating.

College Success Award winner: Marshall High School

In this small, tight-knit Ozarks community, school leaders do whatever it takes to help kids get to college. Last year, they raised $1.8M in scholarships and financial aid for seniors.

College Success Award winner: Arabia Mountain High School

Excellence is the rule at this Title I school, where high expectations and environmental education prepare students for college and for life.

College Success Award: Denver School of Science and Technology Stapleton

High expectations, intensive college counseling, and teachers who go the extra mile make college success possible for all students — even if it takes extra time.

College Success Award winner: Young Women's Preparatory Academy

Intensive advanced classes starting in the sixth grade plus robust leadership experiences make this Miami-based magnet a shining example of a college-for-all culture.

Inside a place-based school

The idea behind place-based education is to immerse students in learning by locating the school inside an inspiring learning environment. Public Museum School, a middle school in Grand Rapids, MI, for example, is on the top floor of a museum.

Inside a performance-based learning school

Performance-based learning means that students get to learn at their own pace. See how adopting this model changed student outcomes at Lindsay High School.

Inside a high-expectations, high-support school

Many charter schools have adopted this school model to help traditionally underserved students prepare for college. KIPP Bayview Academy, a 5-8 school in San Francisco, exemplifies this cool school model.

Inside a Montessori school

Long embraced by preschools, Montessori-style education is being implemented in elementary, middle, and even high schools. For example, see how Urban Montessori School in Oakland, CA serves kindergartners through eighth graders.

Inside an environmental science school

At an environmental science school, students learn inside the classroom and outside in nature. See how C.A. Frost Environmental Science Academy, a K-11 school in Grand Rapids, MI, incorporates environmental science into kids’ daily lives.

Inside a language immersion school

At language immersion schools, students spend half the day learning in English and half the day learning in their target language. Here's a day in the life at Broadway Elementary School, a K-6 language immersion school in Venice, California.

Inside Design Tech High School, a project-based learning school

Design thinking is a proven method of inquiry and exploration, like the scientific method. At this project-based school, students approach projects through the lens of design thinking.