
Video Series

5 "Health" videos

School lunch secret? Put an egg in it!

5 fun ways to add healthy protein into your child's school lunch.

5 ways to make lunch more fun

No more half-eaten lunches!
These quick tricks make school lunch something to smile about.

Madeline Levine on pushing kids too early

Using flash cards at age 1. Teaching kids to read at 3. Pushing students to get ahead of the curve in early elementary. Does any of this even help our kids academically?

Carol Dweck on the secret of your child's brain

"Parents are not doing kids a favor" by making this common mistake, says Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, who explains how to inspire confidence in your child.

Raising Sadie: my bipolar child

Her daughter was diagnosed at the age of five. In this video, Dorothy describes what it's like raising a child with bipolar disorder.